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In 2015, Seattle pledged that by 2030, there would be no injuries to non-drivers caused by collisions on city streets. This is Vision Zero, which a section of the city's Department of Transportation implements. This is SDOT's page for Vision Zero.
A panel of advocates, journalists and city employees will discuss Vision Zero at 1pm on 10/30, at the Center for Bicycle Repair, 1019 S Jackson St.
Ryan Packer will moderate the discussion. Ryan is the Senior Editor of The Urbanist. Ryan has written about, among other topics, Vision Zero at The Urbanist. Find Ryan @typewriteralley on Twitter, and @UrbanistOrg for more writing.
Bradley Topol will join the panel as a representative of SDOT's Vision Zero team. Here's a primer on the city policy.
Tiffani McCoy is Real Change's Advocacy Director who before organizing the I-135 House Our Neighbors campaign, helped end enforcement of helmet laws in King County.
Anna Zivarts is the Director of Disability Mobility Initiative Program with Disability Rights Washington. DRW organized recently the Week Without Driving and Anna is a front line transportation observer, on Twitter @AnnaZivarts.
Mike Lindblom started covering transportation as a staff reporter at the Seattle Times has been reporting full time about Seattle-area transportation since 2002 and written many stories about safety topics such as dangerous four-lane crosswalks, distracted driving, the city’s slow pace of adding bicycle lanes, and the hazards of surface light rail. On Twitter @MikeLindblom.

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